Tainted Deli

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Tainted Deli is a Tainted character added in The Ascent of Isaac: Godmode.

He can be unlocked by opening the hidden closet in Home.png Home (using Red Key.png, link = https://bindingofisaacrebirth.fandom.com/wiki/Cracked_Key Cracked Key, or Soul of Cain.png Soul of Cain on the left corridor) while playing as DeliHead.pngDeli.

He starts the run with only one Soul Heart and Wikihover Deli oblivion.png Oblivion. He cannot gain any type of heart in any way so he's constantly left with one Soul Heart and his protecting Halo to protect himself, unless he wants to convert his halo into more damage and fire rate.

Abilities & Traits

Multidirectional shots

  • Tainted Deli inherently shoots 8 tears in all diagonal and cardinal directions.
    • The closer to the front of Tainted Deli's shooting direction the tears are, the bigger their damage (from 0.56% to 1.28% of Tainted Deli Damage)

Delirious Heart and Oblivion/Delusion

  • Tainted Deli has its own type of heart filling up 1 Heart Container space at run starts : DeliHeart.png Delirious Hearts.
    • This heart shows that you're protected by Oblivion's halo.
  • Tainted Deli also starts with a large halo of eyes around him, protecting him from any incoming damage by damaging and deals PlayerDamage * 2 + 1 collision damage to enemies as well as deflecting projectiles.
    • Each hit the halo get removes eyes inside the halo following this formula: ceil(1.5 * DamageTaken).
    • Each room clear makes Tainted Deli regains 1 eye.
    • When all eyes are removed, Deli instantly uses Wikihover Deli oblivion.pngOblivion.
  • By using Wikihover Deli oblivion.pngOblivion, Tainted Deli can convert the protecting Halo into:
    • +5% Damage per Delirious Eye.
    • +10% Fire Rate.
    • -20% Range.
    • When doing this Oblivion transforms into Wikihover Deli delusion.png Delusion, allowing Tainted Deli to regain the protecting Halo upon using it.
    • The amount of eyes Tainted Deli has still appears as familiar following him.
    • Using Oblivion technically heavily increases your dps at the cost of making you die after any damage.
      • Tainted Deli still gains 1 eye per room clear.
  • When switching from Wikihover Deli delusion.png Delusion (no halo) to Wikihover Deli oblivion.pngOblivion (halo), there will be a brief moment (roughly half of a second) where the halo is tinted white. While it is white it is immune to damage, but still deals contact damage to enemies and repels enemies and projectiles. This allows you to strategically switch between the two forms to weaponize the halo and create space for yourself.




  • -1 eyes lost per hit.
    • This effect can stack.
  • Using Delusion/Oblivion shoots a ring of medium range tear projectiles around Tainted Deli.
  • SoulHeart.png Soul Heart has 20% chance to become a new Deli heart Pickup.png Delirious Heart which grants 1 eye on pickup.

Unlockable Achievements

